Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Look Back

(Presentation) Broken English Angora
Beveren - beautiful blue eyes
Chocolate English Spot - lovely & lively

French Lop - 'More leg room please.'
I've been busy doubling up on my class assignments, so I haven't been blogging much lately.  I'm hoping to clear up my schedule for Thanksgiving week.

Anyway, I ran across these photos that I took at convention of some of the lovely rabbits that were there.  Forgive me if I get some of the breeds/colors wrong.
(Pres.) Choc. Otter Jersey Wooly -'Yeah, I know I'm beautiful.'
Chinchilla - love those lashes

Holland Lop - 'I'll have what she's having.'


  1. Awww...I just love those broken English angoras. So sorry that they didn't pass. I think I'm going to start trying to take mine to shows as an exhibition breed.

  2. It was a shame that they didn't pass. The brokens are lovely; such sweet faces. I think you should show would be nice to see them at the shows.

  3. Good idea! I'll try to do that. I hope to breed him this spring...looking to improve his wool a bit, other than that, he's a keeper!
